“What I like best about David is his demeanor. He is unflappable. In this day and time … cool heads in the communications area will prevail.

“David has a high level of integrity and character.”

— Glen Krupica, former supervisor at NIU

Work Samples



Writing is a passion and strength. Whether executing timely news releases, pertinent marketing pieces, or comprehensive publications, I deliver impactful results that pique curiosity. Drawing on extensive experience in delivering key messages from a variety of industries allows me to reach a wide-array of audience interests. Telling dynamic stories of people and brands drive me to provide creative and quality content to lead my organization to new heights. I value each project and desire to exceed expectations.

Social Media



My versatile writing style produces social media content in a variety of ways, from informative and serious to fun and entertaining. Throughout my career, I have written content and produced accompanying images that attract positive results. I created timely posts and purposeful hashtags that maximize impact and enhance my organization’s brand. In 2019, I became responsible for the Wisconsin Lottery’s social media accounts and raised impressions by 77% on Facebook and 396% on Twitter over the previous quarter.

Marketing & Design


Integrating marketing and design into communications has long been part of my work. Marketing is an area of interest with desire for further opportunity. Through my own creation and by working with design experts, I created specific advertising themes and pieces from start to finish. Whether “on the fly” for an urgent graphic or extensive planning for a prepared piece, I created graphics for projects, advertisements, and social content.


Media Spokesperson

I frequently represented my organization as spokesperson and brand ambassador in television interviews, radio appearances, and print coverage. My philosophy is to be engaging and enhance the reputation of my organization and its event/product in ways that resonate with viewers/listeners/readers.

Video Editing & Production

When presented with a new challenge, I set a high standard for myself and rise to the occasion. Furthering areas of expertise and building new skills are important to me. Producing video content is an area of responsibility that I have recently taken on with more frequency. I also wrote and directed content for several video pieces, including a series of virtual tours.