“I could not have asked for a better boss … I always knew I could turn to him for assistance and direction. David is very creative and does a great job of ‘thinking outside the box’ in effort to better promote the brand. He is extremely organized, prepared and always thinking three steps ahead. ”

— Greg Mette, former colleague

What People Are Saying

“David always has shown a level of professionalism, expertise and fairness in all our business relationships. I would recommend David as a great communicator and team player that will bring many great ideas to your organizations culture.”

— Joel Running, Executive VP Business Development, A&B Business Solutions

“ … An excellent job of growing the brand of the 'The Summit League' and developing new strategies across various platforms through traditional and social media. David has been quick to respond to requests and assist with projects/questions and I greatly respect his assistance over the last several years.”

— Brian Shawn, television broadcaster

“Always a first-class individual to work with. Whether it was a major issue or a trivial one, David was always responsive, helpful and professional. Even though his paycheck came from the Summit League, he worked with media as if he worked for them ... not the league. Will be a positive representative for any future business or organization.”

— Brett Rump, radio host and broadcaster

“David is a dedicated professional with extensive knowledge in public relations, media exposure, and marketing. His leadership allowed the communications staff to work effectively while grooming entry level staffers each season. The relationships he cultivates in the media delivered the most results during The Summit League Basketball Championships. This high profile event is respected among the local, regional and national media because of the work David and his team execute.”

— Ricky Babcock, former colleague

 Reference Letters

From Executive Supervisors

Quick Study in New Industry - Reference from Unit 4 Schools

“Rockstar Performance” - Reference from the Wisconsin Lottery

“Ascent to New Heights” - Reference from The Summit League

“Consummate Professional” - Reference from Northern Illinois University

From External Partners & Media

“Desire to Excel” - Reference from corporate television partner

“True Leader” - Reference from corporate media partner

“Forward Thinking” - Reference from media / corporate partner